Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finnly's 2cd Birthday: Live Earth Farm

Last year I took Finnly to a little farm in Watsonville, Live Earth Farm.  It was the most darling farm with berry bushes, flowers, chickens, goats, apple orchards and much more... I thought "what a great place to host a party!" and a year later, when I called to inquire, I was told that they've never had a private party do a birthday...not sure why, it was the perfect place to host a 2cd birthday!  I had WAY too much fun planning for it, and went a little overboard, according to Erik... But I think everyone had a wonderful time... We got to hold chickens, baby goats and eat lots of yummy strawberries! 

 Carmon aka "mimi" brought Finnly a Thomas the Train cake... a big hit with all the kids! And the other with the adults.  Willow's friend made this cake... it was amazing in every way! 

 Finn waiting for his friends to come.  

 We thought Erin was going to take a little goat home :-) 

 Eating strawberry's straight from the patch... highlight of Finnly's day...

After around 2 baskets of strawberries...
Home opening all his great gifts! 

kyla's bridal shower

A group of us through Kyla a bridal shower at Lori and Jacks house.  It turned out fabulous!  Party Paula had the best bridal shower games I've ever played! My mom made yummy sandwiches and Kendra did an amazing job inspring us all with an all white decor theme :-) The day ended with a funny sunglass stealing episode... but lets just say "Kendra got them back for me :-)"

 one game was to see who had the most things from a list in their purses... Kendra and her mom were partners, so no one stood a chance!

One of the games was to write down 1 chore you hate doing and 2 reason's why...and  when Kyla reads it, she says "I hate sex... and only reads the 2 reason's why..."  The winner was her grandmother who said "I hate sex because it's too dark in the garage..." and Kathy's "I hate sex because I've been doing it for 30 years!" and "I hate sex because when you're done, it gets all wrinkled again..."  We were all laughing to the point of tears... but Kendra took the cake of biggest laughs!  Good fun :-)

oakland zoo

We met up with the Barton family to see some animals at the Oakland zoo! Finnly has been really into animal figures and a book about animals in the jungle... so we thought ZOO! Well, apparently animals that are plastic or on pages of books are far less threatening then an enormous elephant swinging his trunk in front of you... who knew :-) Finnly was petrified of all the animals that were larger then McCovey.  He was literally shaking on Erik's shoulders saying "no daddy... no"  and "by... by!"  I've been told that Erik was a bit of a wimp as a little we know where he got that trait! He loved the meerkats, turtles, snakes, lizards, bats, pigs and sheep :-) He would have been in heaven if there was a cow... as he kept asking to see one. The day ended up to be a smashing hit because we rode the Choo-Choo train around the zoo and heard it's whistle blow.  We never know what to expect with the little bug!

First swim class...

We took Finnly to his first swim class... and he HATED it.  He usually is ok in the water... but the setting of this class totally freaked him out.  I think it may also have been the fact that it was COLD outside and the instructor dunked him 5 minutes into the lesson.  We completed the 4 classes... but will be finding a warmer, more fun based swim school :-) More to come on the swimming progress...