Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cape Cod 2010

Early Thursday morning, my mom drove Finn and I to the airport to travel across the country solo...I was a bit nervous... this being his first flight while walking and having mini tantrums. However, there was no need to worry ..I owe Finn big time, he slept played and laughed all the way across the country...
I was lucky enough to have tons of leg room... and a nice neighbor :-)

I arrived to a baby proofed house full of new toys and borrowed toys from Caleb, Finnly's 2cd cousin. Finnly got right into playing and hanging out with Gram C and Grandpa Cormier.

On what came to be Finn's favorite Toy "I see a Fire Truck coming down the road..."
Story time with Aunt D
At Hardings Beach
Playing peek a boo in his new chair

My very dear friend Lauren aka "Berls" and friend April came to Cape Cod for some wedding planning for April's wedding next summer... they stopped by Chatham for a visit AND to jump out of a plane...CRAZY girls :-) Finn and I went to the airport for moral support and to take some pictures. We had lots of laughs like always, and even made it to the Squire for ONE drink. Old gals we've become...

Aunt Patti, Stefanie, Josh and Caleb rented a house for a week right around the corner! Although we had some nasty weather at first, we got some fun play time, a trip to Zooquarium and good beach days later in the week. Finnly LOVED playing with Caleb... they chased each other around, shared chairs, books and more.

Finnly was spoiled with many baths in Gram C's big tub! He loved all the bubbles...and they showcase how pale he actually is... where did that come from?

My parents had traveled to the East coast for Nancy and Lee Keet's 50th wedding anniversary party, so they stopped by Chatham for a visit. I took them to P-Town to scope out some cool art...and colorful people... But were met with lots of funny tee-shirts and TONS of tourists and not much art...but we had fun walking around in the cool fog and trying to get pictures of Finn is full P-town colors :-)

Yes... the boa was hanging in front of a store...
Family Fun...

Katie, Cory and Dean we're on an East Coast tour, coming from Maine, they spent the weekend in Chatham with us...
We had a FULL house the first weekend Erik was out... with the Wagner family and many of Erik's CT friends... Ben J, Lindsey, Ben R, Joe, Joe U, and Anna...who came with fantastic news. While in P-town Joe and Anna got engaged! We had lots to celebrate along with tons of lobsters and steamers!
No celebration is complete without a speech from Ben...

Our trip out to the Island... Nantucket.

At one of my favorite beaches EVER "Surfside" in Nantucket!

Smelling the flowers at Chatham Bars Inn with Grandpa
Among many other little tricks and treasures, Gram C taught Finn how to gesture "Whatever..." It was too cute!!!
Although we went out a little later then Erik would have liked... We still felt the "Cape Magic" on our trip. Tons of people, mostly on vacation, playing on the beach, flying kites, eating lobster rolls and indulging in way too much amazing ice cream at the local creameries! We're so spoiled to stay at such a beautiful house each summer and I love that Finn is able to spend time with Erik's family and create memories with them. Thanks for another Fun Summer on the Elbow!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Food

Finnly has been trying new foods every day... Here's some cute videos and pics.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Meghan & Jimmy's Wedding...

Me, Meghan and Erin, very old friends...

A very old and dear friend Meghan Browne got married to Jimmy Robertello on Saturday August 6, 2010. Meghan and I use to spend lots of time together as young girls... we'd spend hours playing "dress up" pretending we were "women" doing very sophisticated things like grocery shopping or caring for our children, which were either dolls or stuffed animals... Can't believe were now both playing the rolls we mimicked so many years ago. Meghan and I met because we were in the same "play group" along with Calyn Tardif, who brought his daughter Lexi to the wedding... who's just as precocious as her father was at that age... The wedding was just as I would have imaged for Meghan. Intimate, personal and full of smiles and love... Congratulations!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gilroy Gardens

I took Finn to his first amusement park at Gilroy Gardens... We went with Lauryn, Olivia, Ryder, Christi and Mia. We started on the train ride and moved up to the hot air balloon... where the mom's almost lost their breakfast, but the kids loved it. Finn went on his first solo ride...and did great! I took him out to the fire truck, and got in the back seat... until the operator gets on the loud speaker and says "this ride is for kids only mam..." I cooly got off and nervously walked out the gate. I then made sure they operator knew he might have to stop the ride if Finn started to cry. However, he loved it and went 3 times, and then moved on to the race cars! We also went on a water ride, giant artichokes, river floats and more. Everyone had so much fun, by 4 o'clock Finn and Olivia had fallen asleep and the other two ready to head home... Fun Day in the Gilroy Sun...

group photo on our way in...

giant artichokes

river ride

olivia loving her brothers icy
finn's first solo ride

hot air balloon ride